HOMESTEAD – A Review by John Strange

My first contact with this film came from the filmmakers’ marketing pitch, if you buy tickets to a screening then you receive entries to win a large prize.  The storyline and the cast sold me on the project.  And who knows, I might even have one of my entries drawn for the prize!

The heart of this film is in the people whose lives are disrupted when bombs fall around the country, including Los Angeles.  Following the explosions, the citizens react.  Some react with calm thoughts and actions while others devolve into mobs and killers.

Jeff Eriksson (Bailey Chase), his family, and his men move to help Ian Ross (Neal McDonough) protect his compound/home up in the mountains.  The homestead is a safe space where the people grow the food they need.

Chase and his professional soldiers work to shore up the gaps they find in the homestead’s security.  This causes some ruffled feathers until the soldiers and the rest of the residents are forced to come together to protect what they have.

This is an excellent film.  I found that Neal McDonough liked Angel Studios and wanted to play a non-villain role.  After making a film with the studio, he and the studio entered into an agreement that allowed Mr. McDonough to submit some of his projects to the company for optional release should they be approved by the viewers who compose the Angel Guild.  This film is the first of his projects to be approved for funding and release.

This film is also the pilot for the TV series running on


Director: Ben Smallbone

Cast: Dawn Olivieri, Neal McDonough, Susan Misner, Currie Graham, Bailey Chase, Kevin Lawson, Jesse Hutch, Olivia Sanabia, Kearran Giovanni, Ariel Llinas, Emmanuel McCord, Tyler Lofton, Alireza Mirmontazeri, Colby Strong, Grace Powell, Jarret LeMaster, Caden Dragomer, Ivey Lloyd Mitchell, Lincoln Hoppe

MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for some violence and thematic elements)

Selig Rating: 5 Stars

Runtime: 112 Min.

Release Date: 12/20/2024

Language: English

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller

Movie Site: HOMESTEAD Official Site

Trailer: HOMESTEAD Official Trailer


The Selig Rating Scale:

5 Stars – Excellent movie/show, well worth the time and price.

4 Stars – Good movie/show

3 Stars – OK movie/show

2 Stars – Well, there was nothing else…

1 Star – Total waste of time.

John Strange
John Strange
Film reviewer who was raised from an early age to love the art form, I was watching films with the family before I could walk. I miss the plethora of drive-ins we once had in this country. I am a photographer who gets recognized occasionally at the events, society and film, that I attend.

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