NO ACCIDENT – Interview with Filmmaker Kristi Jacobson

Filmmaker Kristi Jacobson’s eye-opening documentary, NO ACCIDENT, premieres tonight on HBO and is available for streaming on MAX.  Kristi talked with our Gadi Elkon about her team, HBO and much more!

In the aftermath of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a civil lawsuit was filed against white nationalist leaders and organizations on behalf of plaintiffs who suffered injuries while peacefully counterprotesting. No Accident chronicles this seminal civil rights trial, exposing a broad network of conspirators and detailing the challenges of holding those leaders and organizations liable for their actions.

Kristi and Gadi talked about the team that makes this film possible, the visual language she wanted to have in the doc and so much more!

Interview with Filmmaker and Producer Kristi Jacobson:

#NoAccident premieres October 10 on @StreamOnMax.  For more info, NO ACCIDENT.


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