RAINBOWS END plays at the Texas Theatre, Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, July 24 at 5 pm Benefiting AIDS Interfaith Network, Star Country Willie performs live

RAINBOWS END plays at the Texas Theatre
(231 W. Jefferson Blvd, Dallas 75208)

Star Country Willie performs live

Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, July 24 at 5 pm
Benefiting AIDS Interfaith Network


"We believe that anything is possible as long as people are willing to put themselves out there and do the work. AIN impresses us as an organization that doesn't shy away from a challenge. We are proud that the good people there decided to join us on this leg of our trip. We hope that this benefit is the first of many for AIN and Alonestar Films," said RAINBOWS END producer, Andy Cope.

"AIN is so grateful to be the beneficiary of the RAINBOWS END screenings. We're all on our own journey towards a dream. From making it big in Hollywood, to finding a cure for HIV, success requires the support of those around us. RAINBOWS END will be a theatrical treat at the historic Texas Theatre. AIN is thrilled to take part," said Travis Gasper, Development Services for the AIDS Interfaith Network.


An invitation to record with The Legendary Stardust Cowboy prompts Country Willie Edwards and his band “The Cosmic Debris” to launch their first West Coast tour. Having never broken the gravitational pull of Deep East Texas, the band invites three unique individuals who have dreams of striking it rich in California to make the trip.

Straight out of 1978, opening act, Peter Guzzino hopes that his one-man show resonates with modern audiences. Cockfighter Brian “Birdman” Birdwell offers to drive the band's fragile bus, Green Hell, in exchange for a chance at landing roles for his prize roosters in a big time Hollywood feature. Parapsychologist, experienced hitchhiker, and global twirler Audrey Dean Leighton guides the expedition as far as Los Angeles. Audrey Dean plans to learn the Internet and strike gold with a cyber psychic readings storefront.

RAINBOWS END chronicles six men, two roosters, and one bus on a perilous journey to the other side of a dream.

Production Stills available at:

Video Trailer (Quicktime) available at:

About AIDS Interfaith Network (AIN):

AIN is a multicultural non-profit HIV/AIDS service organization that provides direct care services to meet practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of persons with HIV/AIDS and HIV prevention programs for individuals, groups, and communities.

Through 10 different programs, AIN serves 2,000 individual men, women, and children who have HIV/AIDS and makes contact with 10,000 other at-risk individuals with HIV prevention, outreach, and educational information each year.

About The Texas Theatre:

The Texas Theatre (located on 231 W. Jefferson Blvd in Oak Cliff) is a historic movie theater that also hosts concerts, events, theatrical productions, “Rough Cut Lab” screenings for filmmakers, and a variety of intensive workshops for acting, screenwriting and cinematography. When first opened in 1931 as part of a chain of theaters owned by Howard Hughes, the Texas Theatre was the largest suburban movie theater in Dallas. The theater is internationally known as the location where Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in 1963. In August 2010, Aviation Cinemas Inc, a company started by film producer and consultant Barak Epstein, signed a lease to operate the theater. The Aviation Cinemas team consists of filmmakers Adam Donaghey, Eric Steele, and creative director Jason Reimer. Aviation Cinemas has constructed a new full-service bar and a concession stand and have upgraded the projection and sound in the 650-seat house for both 35mm and digital cinema. The theater is currently booking all sorts of independent films, music, live theater and corporate and private events.





John Strange
John Strangehttp://seligpolyscope.com
Film reviewer who was raised from an early age to love the art form, I was watching films with the family before I could walk. I miss the plethora of drive-ins we once had in this country. I am a photographer who gets recognized occasionally at the events, society and film, that I attend.

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