Tag: Elijah Wood

RABBIT TRAP – Interview with Editor Brett W. Bachman

Editor Brett W. Bachman had an in-depth chat with our Gadi Elkon about Sundance, filmmakers he's worked with and so much more. Brett helped craft Bryn Chainey's RABBIT TRAP which stars Dev Patel....

Movie Review Duel – Black Mass vs Cooties

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJWJeBJnT6M Before I jump into tackling Black Mass and Cooties, I'd like to recommend some quality docs out this weekend.  Rosenwald is an amazing story that you may not know about, the philanthropy...

Selig Film News’ Fall List of the Top 15 Most Anticipated Films of 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngElkyQ6Rhs Star Wars: The Force Awakens is easily the most exciting film coming out this year.  J.J. Abrams bringing back the force for a new generation is going to be a magical experience...

Lord of the Rings Trilogy – Extended Versions (Bluray)

With all the film and DVD reviews I’ve written over the past few years, some of you might have gotten the impression that I love movies. And you would be correct. However,...

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