Writer/Director Adrian Shergold and Writer/Lead Actress Antonia Campbell-Hughes' haunting thriller CORDELIA is in select theaters and on-demand this Friday May, 20th. Antonia was awesome enough to chat with our Gadi Elkon about...
Edgar Wright seems to increase his ante with each hand (I mean film) he plays. Is Last Night in Soho the next great Wright flick? Here is my review of the film.
Filmmaker and Author Chris Atkins world premiered his latest documentary this past Saturday at Austin's wild and wacky Fantastic Fest 2021. The festival, presented by Alamo Drafthouse, was a most fitting launching...
Second Thought Theatre's latest production is one of the most emotionally explosives pieces of theatre I've ever seen. Cordelia Lynn's work is an amazingly thoughtful and insightful look into a subject that...
"Was he once the most famous man in London? The artist crucified by a society that once worshipped him? The lover imprisoned and freed, yet still running towards ruin in the final...
FINDING NEVERLAND is the Broadway musical that tells the fascinating story of how Peter became Pan. Based on the Academy Award®-winning film of the same name, it has been brought to extraordinary...
Director Amma Asante builds off her picturesque BELLE with the moving and also picturesque A UNITED KINGDOM. Click through for Gadi Elkon's review of the film.
A UNITED KINGDOM is the true story...
Fly to Neverland in a whole new way with this spectacular innovative live stage production of Peter Pan in the Threesixty Theatre – a state of the art 100-foot high structure that...