BLACK PANTHER - A Blu-ray/DVD and Digital HD Review by John Strange
It is hard to believe that any of you might not have seen this film yet based on ticket sales. Actually,...
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - A Review by Hollywood Hernandez
Avengers: Infinity War marks the 10th anniversary of The Marvel Comic Universe, which all began with Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man back in 2008....
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - A Review by John Strange
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is not Disneyland. We have been brought into a universe with amazing heroes but the universe tends to seek...
THOR: RAGNAROK - Blu-ray/DVD and Digital HD Review by John Strange
I LOVE reviewing films. The films may be excellent or stinkers, it doesn't matter, I still love watching them and telling you...
BLACK PANTHER - A Review by Hollywood Hernandez
The first thing people will want to know about Black Panther is does it live up to all the hype surrounding it? Well, the answer...
BLACK PANTHER - A Review by John Strange
Sometimes you hear and see so much about a film that your expectations are not met when you see it on the big screen. In...
THOR: RAGNAROK - A Review by John Strange
In the last several years we have been entertained by a wide variety of comic book heroes. From one "universe" to another, the stories have...
THOR: RAGNAROK - A Review by Hollywood Hernandez
In the new Thor movie, Chris Hemsworth returns as "The God of Thunder" but this time around he's evolved from the big lug in the...