Tonight and tomorrow night are the final two shows of ALL ABOUT BETTE with Morgana Shaw in the one-woman showcase of icon Bette Davis. Click through for the review and info on...
"The Hills Are Alive! A brand new production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC, directed by Jack O’Brien, is coming to Dallas Summer Musicals. The spirited, romantic and beloved musical story of Maria...
This year's crop of shows at Dallas Summer Musicals had some real unique choices. The Illusionists were a completely out of this world pick, but did showcase President and Managing Director Michael A....
June 12th, 2015 marks the 75th Anniversary of Dallas Summer Musicals and tonight a special evening is planned across D-town to showcase this amazing feat. It seems so fitting to have Rodgers...
Dallas Summer Musicals present this musical classic in all it's glory. The King and I has lavish sets, powerful voices and a whirlwind second act that completes the courageous odyssey of Anna,...