WOMEN IN THE FRONT SEAT – A Review by John Strange

WOMEN IN THE FRONT SEAT – A Review by John Strange

I love documentaries made by people who are looking to discover themselves by learning about others who are like-minded.  With Women in the Front Seat, Indy Saini seeks to learn more about women who ride motorcycles to explore an aspect of her life that was a bit alien to her upbringing.

As she makes her epic journey around the United States meeting and interviewing women who ride motorcycles by themselves or with groups of friends and giving us wonderful stories of their journeys in life that revolve around their learning to love the freedom that riding a motorcycle on the open road or around town can give you.

The women’s stories are as varied as their bikes.  These fascinating stories are not new to me but I think they will be to most of you.  These women, some of whom began by riding behind their friend, boyfriend, husband, or whoever, realized that there was more to the experience.  But it required them to be in the driver’s seat.  To direct their own journeys and adventures. 

The film is fascinating, and I wished it had gone longer.  Not because anything was missing but because the stories are obviously still going strong, still full of discovering new adventures around the next bend in the road.

I also loved this film because it showcased the people that I personally associate with motorcycle riders.  They fall.  They get right back up.  They have wrecks, some very bad.  As soon as they heal up, they get right back on their bike (though sometimes a new one) and take off again!

As a photographer, I have had many adventures and great times working with riders and motorcycle clubs.  Whether it was watching riders for toy rides bring in teddy bears almost bigger than their bikes to be given to children for Christmas or riding on bike rides raising money for one charity or another.  Whether it was Patriot Riders riding as final escorts for those who have lost their lives or clubs coming to the rescue of kids who have less than perfect homes, all these riders believe in giving back, to paying it forward, to helping others.

I would love to meet each of the ladies interviewed in this film because I know that I would become friends with each and every one of them.  Indy, this is a great doc!


Director: Maninder K. Saini (as Indy Saini)

Subjects: Casey Anders, Inette Arellano, Rosario Aybar, Janice A. Belmore, Stacy Breck, Amanda Bridges, Kathleen M. Butcher, Linda Carmona, Sharell Cerda, Theresa Clemmons, Wendy Crockett, Clare Crowell, Alison DeLapp, Mack Dihle, Lisa Dominguez, Valerie DuMond, Lori Eckberg, Diamond Schiffers Fletcher, Laurie Gardner, Stephanie Getchell, Amanda Ginski, Jazmin Gomez, Danise Gonzales, Cindy Graves, Heather Green, Cathy Ripley Greene, Cami Hall, Kelly Hartman, Libby Heublein, Susan C. Hillman, Rachel Hooten, Susan Klimusk, Wanda Kohl, Sarah Kucera, Tina Louise Lachance, Tonya Lawson, Maria Lira, Montessa Loomer, Taylor Maitoza, Sarah Marquet, Angela Martinez, Julee Mckinney, Alejandra Mercado, Jana Montgomery, Gloria Moore, Sara Osborne, Minette Ozuna, Michelle Benoit Parfumorse, Danielle Parrie, Roni Pinault, Colleen Reilly, Sherry Reilly, Melissa Rodman, Lorraine Romero, Mandy Runske, Eva Rupert, Jill Sandmire, Jaymie Sawyer, Ellen L. Sears, Tamale Sepp, Holly Shetton, Tiara Shipton, Thea Shoemaker, Kris Sinay, Erin Smith, Becky Tarts, Morgan Ann Voelker, Sherry Waller, Rachel Wedel, Lynn Wilson, Bonnie Wolski, Meredith Younger, Evelyn Zatkoff, Mandi Zullo

MPAA Rating: NR

Selig Rating: 5 Stars

Runtime: 74 Min.

Release Date: 01/24/2023


Language: English

Movie Sites:





The Selig Rating Scale:

5 Stars – Excellent movie/show, well worth the time and price.

4 Stars – Good movie/show

3 Stars – OK movie/show

2 Stars – Well, there was nothing else…

1 Star – Total waste of time.

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