MAYHEM – A Review by Cynthia Flores
One of the stars from the smash hit “The Walking Dead” is in this fun new horror film Mayhem. I usually don’t review this genre of film because it’s not my cup of tea. That being said, my review is not coming from a “Horror fan boy or girl” point-of-view.
Mayhem is the story of Derek Cho (Steven Yeun) who is having the worst day at work ever. He’s an enthusiastic lawyer that has worked his way up to a corner office in the evil corporate law firm of Towers and Smythe. Derek, in voice-over during the film, lays out the story of how evil the company really is. His sister calls him there to remind him that his family misses him and to see if he’s still painting. You see, Derek is a great lawyer, but his heart is just not into all the politics and corruption that’s around him. For example, he truly feels sorry for Melanie Cross (Samara Weaving), a good looking blonde that tries to pass herself off as a lawyer in a meeting with him to ask for more time to get current on her foreclosed home.
Later in his day Derek is framed by a lawyer they call ‘The Siren’ (Caroline Chikezie) because she has the boss's ear. When he takes the matter up stairs to John Towers (Steven Brand), ‘The Boss’, he’s mocked and fired. It’s funny to see the head of human resources, called ‘the Reaper’ (Dallas Roberts), played over-the-top cruel by an actor that’s usually the nice guy in comedies.
Once Derek is fired and being walked out of the building, he discovers that the law firm’s building is under quarantine for an airborne virus that has broken out. Chaos erupts throughout the office as the victims of the disease begin acting out their wildest impulses. The effects will only last 8-9 hours and since it was this law firm that got a client off for murder while under a similar outbreak, Derek sees the chance to get revenge and fight for his job back. Only trouble is he has to fight for his life as well. He joins forces with Melanie who was trapped in the building as well, who has her own grudge to settle. Together they fight like hell and fall in love as they rain down the bloody pain so many deserved.
Mayhem is not rated because it’s not doing a wide release. Also, because of the gratuitous violence in the film it would be way past an R rating. What I liked most about this film is they left the ultra violence up to the audience's imaginations. For example, when someone was getting beat down with a hammer you saw the swing go down, you heard the impact, but they didn’t show the contact. Instead, they showed the delight in the face of the person's face as they swung the hammer. They wrap the whole story up as a morality play showing that the pursuit of money and power is not for everyone. Mayhem is what they used to call in the 50’s, ‘a good ol’ fashioned B-Movie’ and for that reason, I am giving it a solid B rating. So, if you like your popcorn with a drizzle of blood on it, then this is the flick for you.
Directed by Joe Lynch
Written By Matias Caruso
Rated NR
Selig Rating B
Running Time 87 min
Action/ Horror
Limited Release Nov 10th AMC Hickory Creek and VOD
Starring: Steven Yeun, Samara Weaving, Steven Brand, Caroline Chikezie
The Selig Rating Scale:
A – Excellent movie, well worth the price.
B – Good movie
C – OK movie
D – No need to rush. Save it for a rainy day.
F – Good that I saw it on the big screen but wish I hadn't paid for it.