Strippers vs. Werewolves (Bluray)

Of any movie I have ever hoped to own on Bluray… it is without a doubt “Strippers vs. Werewolves.” Even when I first heard of the film, I knew it was going to be a glorious viewing experience… akin to watching “The Bridge Over the Rover Kwai.” I was certain that I would see some Oscar nods for it in 2013. I knew…. I just knew it would be unique.

But then again, there are times I am wrong.

“Strippers vs. Werewolves” should need little introduction, considering the title pretty much tells it all. There are strippers… there are werewolves… and they fight. Sure, there’s a bit of a storyline that tells us how they came to be enemies, stripper gets attacked… she fights back… gets said werewolf in the eye with a silver pen… yadda yadda yadda. And SURPRISE… there’s romance.

That pretty much sums it up as far as what you get. The script, such that it is, offers terrible dialogue that is laughable. The special effects are not really the highest of quality. Cheesiness abounds. In some films however, this can be a good thing. It can deliver a funny horror film meant to get laughs. And it appears that this was the intent here, to give you a movie with tongue securely set in cheek. There are moments it works, and those it doesn’t.

The Bluray certainly offers a really nice image overall, very clear and crisp. Normally this would be a plus, but unfortunately the fine details often highlight the lack of cinematography skills. When the scenes are shot correctly, they look pretty darn good, but when they aren’t it shows.  The audio track is similar in that it sounds very clear, but lacks any real punch.

Special features include a producer’s commentary, which I will re4commend if you are going to check out this film. Lots of self-deprecating humor here. There’s also a bit of a behind the scenes feature where you learn quite a few (actually) interesting facts.

“Strippers vs. Werewolves” delivers exactly what you might expect from a movie with that title. No real surprises here. But Robert Englund is in it, so it HAS to good right?

Directed by: Jonathan Glendenning

Starring: Ali Bastian, Marc Bayliss, Martin Compston, Sarah Douglas, Alan Ford, Billy Murray, Barbara Nedeljakova, Nick Nevern, Simon Phillips, Coralie Rose, Charlie Bond, Lysette Anthony, Martin Kemp, Robert  Englund

Extras: Producer’s Commentary; Behind the Scenes

Studio: Well Go USA

Specifications: Widescreen, 5.1 HD Surround Sound

Release Date: 9/25/2012

MPAA Rating: NR

Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards is a ‘Jack of All Trades’ in the entertainment industry. An avid movie and theater lover, he began writing movie reviews for the North Dallas Movie Review in 1993 and assisted with the creation of Entertainment Showcase. In 2002, Michael took over the reins of the independent review website and joined up with His reviews have also been featured on and Michael is also a professional ‘haunter’, having begun his career in 1989 as a special effects designer for Haunted Verdun Manor (a haunted attraction outside of Dallas), eventually moving on to SCREAMS and finally landing at The Haunt House where he has been an effects designer, PR consultant and actor from 2007-2013. He is now working with Dark Hour Haunted House as a set designer and builder as well as featured actor. He is a founding member of the North Texas Film Critics Association

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