Filmmaker and Author Chris Atkins world premiered his latest documentary this past Saturday at Austin's wild and wacky Fantastic Fest 2021. The festival, presented by Alamo Drafthouse, was a most fitting launching...
The 31st All Genders, Lifestyles, and Identities Film Festival (aGLIFF) begins tomorrow evening. Screening exclusively at Alamo Drafthouse Lamar in Austin, Tx on September 6-9th, aGLIFF will open with PJ Ravel's, CALL...
The great Muhammad Ali once said, "Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill,...
For some odd reason this moving and rather entertaining film was pushed to February of this year, either way it's a movie you should see. Also make sure to see the other...