QUEENS – Interview with Filmmakers Sophie Darlington and Faith Musembi

Filmmakers and wildlife experts Sophie Darlington and Faith Musembi joined our Gadi Elkon to talk about the groundbreaking series, QUEENS.

Guided by award-winning actress Angela Bassett’s powerful narration, the upcoming series QUEENS showcases the wildest places on the planet that have always been home to powerful leaders. BUT, this is a story of a new hero – fierce, smart, resilient and … FEMALE.

Gadi had the wonderful opportunity to interview the amazing women behind the series.  Here is our chat with Filmmakers and wildlife experts Sophie Darlington and Faith Musembi.  The ladies shared the groundbreaking qualities of the series, particular animals that have emotionally impacted them, and so much more!

Here is our interview with Filmmakers and wildlife experts Sophie Darlington and Faith Musembi:

The series premieres on Monday March 4th and is available to stream on Disney+ & Hulu starting on Tuesday March 5th.

For more info, QUEENS.

Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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