#WASHED Roundtable Interview

#WASHED Season 2 Trailer from The Creative Couch on Vimeo.

The 48th Annual Daytime Emmy awards show is tonight and Dallas based web series #WASHED is a contender!  The indie series was created by regional Emmy award winner Jerod Couch and the web series is only the third Dallas based show to receive an Emmy nod of this kind.  Jerod along with his talented Director of Photography Jamarrio Washington, Producer and Lead Actor Byron Hardy, and Emmy nominated set designer and actress Yvonne Williams took part in a media roundtable to discuss the importance of the Daytime Emmy recognition and so much more!

#WASHED is a unique take on the urban coming-of-age story. The half-hour dramedy/satire features a group of 30-somethings wondering if their dreams come with expiration dates. They are too old to just be dreamers, yet they are young enough to make those dreams a reality.
“My adolescent years were spent hopping from ‘hood to hood’ in Dallas, ultimately settling in the Wilmer-Hutchins area,” Couch said. “After returning home from a five-year producing stint at ESPN, I set out to create an indie TV series to tell the story of an aging millennial struggling to balance that former life in the ‘hood’ and current ‘#WASHED-up’ 30s lifestyle that doesn’t include the fame and fortune you had planned as a kid.”  CREATOR/DIRECTOR/PRODUCER JEROD COUCH.
Jerod with Jamarrio, Byron and Yvonne chatted with a group of Dallas media about the series, the hardships and rewards of filming locally, the tremendous recognition of a Daytime Emmy nomination and much more.
Part 1 of the interview includes Jerod’s introduction of his fellow interviewees as well as a brief history of how the show came from his real life experiences.  A look into the 4 aspects that define the second season and the advances from season 1 into what season 2 is about are also discussed.
Part 2 dives into the importance of shooting locally and further enlightens about the elements of the second season.  We also talk about some of the local talent in the show.
Part 3 has Jerod and the team talk about the Daytime Emmy nominations and other important key dates in the show’s future.  Jerod touches on the importance an Emmy can have on transitioning a web-series into being picked up by a major entity like HBO, Netflix or even a Studio.

For a lovely taste of the show check out the Daytime Emmy reel for the nomination.

The Daytime Emmys telecast is tonight at 7pm ct.  Stay tuned as, “Phase 2 of the 2021 Daytime Emmy Awards nominations, which #WASHED has submitted in 10 more categories, will be announced on June 28 and presented virtually on July 17 and 18.”

For more information check out THE CREATIVE COUCH.

*The Poster for the film.  A photo taken from the roundtable with Jamarrio Washington, Byron Hardy, Jerod Couch and Yvonne Williams.  Behind the Scenes shots with Jamarrio at the monitor and Jerod/Byron/Jamarrio and team members in downtown Dallas.


Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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